Nitrous oxide sedation is available at Hawaii Pacific Dental to help you feel relaxed during your dental treatment. This popular type of dental sedation is inhaled through your nose, giving you a sense of euphoria and calm during your treatment. Dr. Rohinton J. Patel and our team use nitrous oxide sedation, also called laughing gas, at our Honolulu, HI practice to help patients ease their dental anxieties and undergo complex procedures more comfortably. Dentists have been using this safe and effective sedation technique for decades. Many patients appreciate nitrous oxide sedation because it requires no needles and wears off quickly, allowing you to get back to your regular activities in no time. Contact our office today to learn more about how nitrous oxide sedation could help you or schedule a consultation with Dr. Patel.

Understanding How Nitrous Oxide Works
Nitrous oxide is a colorless gas that creates a happy, calm feeling in patients when inhaled. If you opt for nitrous oxide sedation during one of your procedures, we will administer it through a mask. As you inhale oxygen and nitrous oxide through your nose, you will gradually become more relaxed. Nitrous oxide usually takes effect in about five minutes, at which point Dr. Patel will begin your dental procedure. Although you will most likely feel very serene and slightly groggy while breathing in nitrous oxide, you will still be able to communicate with Dr. Patel and follow his instructions, since you will not be unconscious. This sedative does not numb your mouth, so we will still need to use local anesthesia for more intensive treatments. However, we can administer the local anesthesia once you are already under nitrous oxide sedation, making it much easier.
Once Dr. Patel has completed your procedure, we will gradually reduce the amount of nitrous oxide flowing through your mask. Once you are breathing pure oxygen, the effects of the nitrous oxide should wear off in just a few minutes. If Dr. Patel uses local anesthesia, your mouth may still feel numb at this point. Since the sedative wears off so rapidly, you will be able to drive yourself home. You should be able to return to work, school, or any other activities the day of your treatment.
Candidates for This Type of Sedation
Nitrous oxide is a relatively light form of sedation, so it can be used for a variety of procedures. Dr. Patel may use it to extract a tooth, place a dental crown, perform a smile makeover, or even simply fill a cavity. Patients who suffer from severe dental anxiety or phobia may also choose to use nitrous oxide to help them get through routine cleanings or examinations. You might also opt for nitrous oxide sedation if you suffer from a particularly sensitive gag reflex, have difficulty sitting still for long periods, or want to undergo multiple procedures at one time. Intravenous or oral conscious sedation may be more appropriate for intensive procedures such as full mouth reconstruction or dental implant placement. Patients with low blood oxygen or respiratory conditions are usually not eligible for nitrous oxide.
Schedule a Consultation
Nitrous oxide sedation can help you remain relaxed and comfortable during treatment so you can get the dental care you need. To learn more about how nitrous oxide sedation can benefit you, please contact our office today.